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Access Table


Resource Description Keyholders
Linode Kubernetes Cluster The primary cluster where all resources are deployed. Hassan, Joe, Chris, Leon, Sebastiaan, Johannes
Linode Dashboard The online dashboard for managing and allocating resources from Linode. Joe, Chris
Netcup Dashboard The dashboard for managing and allocating resources from Netcup. Joe, Chris
Netcup servers Root servers provided by the Netcup partnership. Joe, Chris, Bella, Johannes


Resource Description Keyholders
git-crypted files in infra repository git-crypt is used to encrypt certain files within the repository. Chris, Joe, Hassan, Johannes, Bella, Xithrius
Ansible Vault Used to store sensitive data for the Ansible deployment Chris, Joe, Johannes, Bella


Additionally, several services are gated behind membership of the DevOps role on Discord, sign in is handled by Cloudflare Access & LDAP:

  • Prometheus
  • AlertManager
  • Grafana (also open to Core Developers, Moderators and Administrators)