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Joe and Johannes.

Chris unfortunately died in a fatal train accident and could not attend the meeting. This incident will be rectified in the next release, "Lovering 2.0: Immortability".

Bella is out on the streets again. We are waiting for approval from the Python Discord admins to run another fundraiser.


  • Configuration of renovate (Joe)

We are replacing dependabot with renovatebot. Johannes welcomes this decision. Joe says we are looking for automatic deployment from Kubernetes to make sure that any updates are automatically deployed.

Conclusion: Implemented.

  • Resizing Netcup servers (Joe, Johannes)

We can probably get rid of turing, assess what else we want to deploy on lovelace, and then ask for a resize.

Conclusion: Create issue to move things off turing, remove it from the inventory, remove it from documentation, power it off, then have Joe ask for server removal.

  • Updating the public statistics page (Johannes)

Discussing and showcasing possible alternatives to the current infrastructure powering via the repository. Johannes presents his current scripts that cuddle RRDTool into loading data out of metricity, Joe says we will discuss with Chris what to do here.

The likely way going forward will be that we will open an issue to set it up, the setup will contain an Ansible role to deploy the cronjob and the script onto lovelace alongside with the rrdtool PostgreSQL user.

Conclusion: Johannes will create an issue and codify the setup in Ansible.

  • New blog powered by Hugo (Johannes)

Our current Ghost-powered blog is a tiny bit strange, and the onboarding ramp to contribute articles is large. We want to migrate this to Hugo - Johannes is leading the effort on it. The main work will be building an appropriate theme, as no nicely suitable replacement theme has been found so far. Front-end contributors would be nice for this, although currently everything is still local on my machine.

Joe mentions that we don't need to take anything particularly similar to the current Ghost theme, just some vague resemblance would be nice. Most of the recommended Hugo themes would probably work. Johannes will check it out further.

Conclusion: Try the hugo-casper-two theme and report back.

  • Finger server (Joe, Johannes)

Joe recently proposed the deployment of a finger server. Do we want this and if yes, how are we going to proceed with this? If we do not want any, running the pinky command locally or via ssh would be a sound idea. We also need to consider whether members will update their files regularly - we may want to incorporate functionality for this into e.g. King Arthur.

Joe says that we shouldn't put a lot of development effort into it, it would be simply a novelty thing.

Conclusion: This is a nice cheap win for some fun which should just be a simple Python file (via Twisted's Finger protocol support or whatever) that connects to LDAP (see Keycloak authentication server) and outputs information. We could possibly integrate this into King Arthur as well, so the querying workflow could look like KA -> fingerd -> LDAP, or people could use finger commands directly.

  • Keycloak authentication server (Joe)

Joe mentions that we are deploying a Keycloak server because for some members authenticating via GitHub is cumbersome, for instance because their GitHub account is connected to their employer's GitHub Enterprise installation. We could hook up a finger server to the LDAP endpoint. Joe also mentions that we might want to set up e-mail forwarding from pydis addresses to users via the user database that will be stored in Keycloak.

Currently we only have a Keycloak installation that stores items in PostgreSQL. This installation can federate to LDAP - we would simply have to settle on some directory service backend. Joe suggests FreeIPA because he's familar with it (including the Keycloak integration). The problem is that it doesn't work on Debian. The alternative proposal, given that we're saving ~50\$/month on Linode, would be spinning up a Rocky VM with FreeIPA on it on Linode (we already have the budget) or ask Netcup for another VM. Ultimately, the system to run FreeIPA would be something CentOS-based. One aspect to consider is networking security: in Linode we could use their private cloud endpoint feature to securely expose the LDAP server to Keycloak and other services in Kubernetes, if we were to run it in Netcup, we would need to use a similar setup to what we currently have with PostgreSQL.

Any Python Discord user would be managed in LDAP, and Keycloak has the necessary roles to write back into LDAP. Keeping the users in FreeIPA up-to-date would be a somewhat manual procedure. Joe's plan was to pick up the user's Discord username and use $ as their name and do account setup as part of the staff onboarding.

Conclusion: Will wait for Chris to discuss this further, but we simply need to decide where we want to run the LDAP service.

  • Flux CD (Joe)

Joe proposes deploying flux as a way to improve the way we manage our CI/CD. We want the cluster to be able to synchronize its state with the git repository. There are some manifests in the repository currently that are not in sync with the cluster version.

Conclusion: Approved, Joe will create an issue and do it.

  • Polonium (Chris)

Question came up regarding why the bot does not write to the database directly. Joe said it's not perfect to have the bot write to it directly - in metricity it works but it's not perfect. Chris probably had good reason: separation of intent.

Conclusion: Approved, write to R&D for financing.

  • Rethinking Bella: Suggested measures to gain autonomy (Chris)

Chris will present our current plans to biologically re-think and improve Bella's current architecture by means of hypertrophy-supported capillary enlargements, with the final goal of gaining complete control and ownership over the World Economic Forum by 2026. As Bella is currently on parental leave, we will send him the result of this voting via NNCP.